The story begins with The Crew Games Torrents the main character Alex Taylor being pursued by local law enforcement near Detroit. During the chase, he receives a call from Harry who wants him to participate in a race in the city. After losing the cops, he finds the Camaro that Harry loans him. Harry explains to him that Alex’s older brother Dayton, the founder of the 5-10 motor club, wants to speak with him. Alex participates and wins the race. After his win, Dayton arrives and orders Alex to drive him to the bridge. Once there, Dayton tells him to keep his head down. A vehicle pulls up, Dayton goes and talks with the driver before walking back to the Camaro; however before he can get there, the driver shoots him and drives off. Alex rushes to Dayton’s side as the police arrive. The police restrain Alex as Dayton dies. Alex is charged and later convicted of Dayton’s murder by FBI Special Agent Coburn and is sent to prison.